SmartVault Common Questions

  1. What is SmartVault?
    • SmartVault is the easiest and most secure way for businesses to store, organize, and share documents online.
  2. Do Clients pay for SmartVault?
    • No, Clients in good standing get year-round Free Access to their documents in SmartVault.
  3. What do I need to activate my SmartVault Account?
    • Submit a “Client Registration”, or reply to a SmartVault Invitation sent by .
    • Email address, and a Password you create.
  4. Who owns the documents I upload to SmartVault?
    • The parties uploading documents to SmartVault own the documents they upload. SmartVault is only a document storage and sharing service.
  5. Is SmartVault Secure?
    • All interactions with SmartVault occur over an encrypted channel. SmartVault uses SSL to protect your documents, passwords, and interactions with SmartVault from eavesdropping.
    • The SmartVault Service Level Agreement is 99.9% uptime to ensure anywhere, anytime access to your documents. SmartVault maintains copies of your files both in its live data center and in offsite archives. Redundant copies of your files are created after you upload a file.
    • SmartVault encrypts your documents and all information stored in their databases at rest. The data is encrypted using AES-256. More details can be found in SmartVault’s Security FAQ.
  6. Do I need a scanner to upload my documents?
    • No. You can upload documents from any internet connected device by logging into SmartVault on that device. Upload the documents to your SmartVault “Client Source Documents” folder as you would attach a picture to a text or social media post.
  7. What should I upload to SmartVault?
    • Copies of your Current Government issued ID;
    • Client Questionnaire;
    • W-2, 1099s, 1098s, other relevant tax documents;
    • Documents you want reviewed, or to discuss.
  8. Do I have to upload copies of all receipts to SmartVault?
    • It depends, probably receipts for purchases used to claim tax Credits (electric car or energy efficient home improvement credits). Receipts for repairs or purchases related to business or rental operations should be totaled, and annual totals reported by category (make a list, take a picture, and upload).

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